College library

About the library

The college library represents an essential center in any educational institution. It is the beating heart of knowledge and culture in universities and colleges, providing the necessary resources to support the learning and research process. The college library contains a wide range of books, academic journals and electronic resources, which helps students and professors access knowledge easily and effectively, In addition to providing print and electronic resources, the college library provides various services including loan, research and review assistance. The library serves as a center for learning and research, supporting academic programs and contributing to the achievement of the college’s teaching and research goals, The college library reflects the combination of the institution’s academic and cultural interests, and it always seeks to meet the needs of its users, including faculty members and students, with the best services and resources available. The presence of a strong and integrated library enhances the quality of education and research at the college and contributes to achieving academic success for all members of the university community.

Library tasks
  • Cataloging and classifying books according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System and creating labels for them.
  • Entering books into the library’s records on the calculator.
    Lending books to employees and students in accordance with the terms and conditions of lending and following them up.
  • The library includes a reading room.
Num.of stuff
Arabic books
English books

Arabic Books

NOFormationBook titleAuthor namePublisherMedicalISBNDewey Decimal Classificationnum. pagesEdition numberNum. copy
1College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHuman biologyWalid Hamid YoussefAl-Ahlya 2002Medical574.132311
2College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAbstract of psychologyAhmed Fouad Al-AhwaniArabic pens 2021Medical977675153-915023911
3College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPhysiologySabah Nasser Al-AlawjiDar Al-Fikr 2007Medical9957-07-342-761236821
4College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPharmacology and medicinal plantsMalas magicAl-Yazouri 2003Medical61532311
5College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPharmaceutical marketingBashir Al-AlaqDar Al-Yazouri 1998Medical658.80919611
6College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPharmacologyAbdul Majeed Al-ShaerAl-Yazouri 2004Medical61544813
7College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHistory of medicine in MosulMahmoud Haj QassemDoctors Syndicate 2007Medical95327111
8College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurCommunity health nursingSouad Hussein HassanDar Al Qalam 1980Medical610.7328011
9College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGeneticsAbdul Hussein Al-FadilAl-Yazouri 2008Medical978995712095561629414
10College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurNursing rulesSouad Hussein HassanDar Al Qalam / 1979Medical61048631
11College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurManual of basic technical methods for nursingMilidair L. MontagueJohn Willie 1978Medical610.7312511
12College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPractical book for nursing studentsTeaching StaffMcGraw-Hill House, 1976Medical610.7313512
13College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMental processesNaseer Safaa MuhammadDar Al Kutub 2006Medical614.58226011
14College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGuidelines for ethics committeesGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2003Guide me610.733111
15College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurStrength and youth in herbal treatmentSobhi SuleimanClass Library 2005Medical615.8547711
16College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-Durfirst aidBenham Razouki Al-SaneaDar Al Kutub Printing and Publishing Foundation 1974Medical616.25216012
17College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHeart attacks and the truth about cholesterolAbdul Rahim Muhammad SaeedDar Al-Iman 1992Medical616.1221511
18College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurManual of massage therapyTaher Salman BaddourDar Al-Radwan 2000Medical615.82224811
19College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPrinciples of patient biologybodyHigher Education Press in Mosul 2005Medical616.0750012
20College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurNursing principles for female state employeesAbdul Mohsen Hussein Al KhafajiAsaad Press/Baghdad 1986Medical610.3730411
21College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-Durfirst aidAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam / 1974Medical616.2530031
22College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurIntroduction to Clinical Biochemistry (1) and (2)Irsan Irshid MansiWael Publishing House 2000Medical9957-11-112-4616.5628214
23College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPractical book for nursing studentsWendy Morgan and BrysonMcGraw-Hill House, 1977Medical07 084298610.736912
24College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurVaccinesSouad Al DarrajiFreedom Printing House 1977Medical614.473211
25College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSecrets of treatment with fruits and vegetablesIshaq Al-JabaliDar Al-Isra 1996Medical615.8829611
26College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPrinciples of forensic medicine and toxicologyYahya SharifAin Shams University Press 1969Medical614.119812
27College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFoundations of mental healthAbdulaziz Al-QusiBound and published 1970Medical157.248081
28College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurThe right of the bodyAli Mahmoud AwaidaPublications Agency 1982Medical61326412
29College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMilk health expert committeeGlobal Health OrganizationTechnical Report Series 1967Medical614.3211012
30College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurThe path to healthy foodMustafa Abdel Razzaq NofalArab House for Publishing and Distribution 1982Medical1977-7475-29-0614.3146711
31College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFood poisoningBehind SophiePrinted at the expense of the University of Baghdad in 1976Medical615.95423013
32College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurForensic medicine and medical ethicsDiaa Nouri HassanDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1981Medical614.1946417
33College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSummary of forensic medicine and toxicologyMahmoud Morsi AbdullahUniversity Youth Foundation 1982Medical614.116015
34College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHuman health and food safetyAyman MazahraAl-Yazouri 2007Medical9957-12-049-2614.3122412
35College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFoundations of sexual healthYoussef Mikhail AsaadDar Al Nahda Egypt 1982Medical613.99511
36College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPublic health and safetyAbdul Majeed Al-ShaerAl-Yazouri 2001Medical61439411
37College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurOrganizing mental health servicesGlobal Health OrganizationWorld Health Organization 2006Medical978-92-9021-516-5613.799211
38College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMental health contentGlobal Health OrganizationWorld Health Organization 2006Medical978-92-9021-521-96145911
39College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurChildren on demand and contraceptionSabri Al-QabbaniDar Al-Ilm Lil Al-Millain 1978Medical613.927923-223
40College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPrinciples in public healthHikmat FarihatAl-Yazouri 2002Medical614.0731411
41College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurModern children's encyclopediaDr. AuthorSahara House 2000Medical613.7039411
42College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurChild Medical DictionaryAn elite group of professorsAl-Hilal House and Library 1987Medical613.7040711
43College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPrinciples of anesthesiologyAhmed Youssef HabibAl-Nasr Modern Library 1982Medical615.7816815
44College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSpiritual medicineBy Abu Bakr Al-RaziNahda Egyptian Library 1987Medical615.8528815
45College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBacterial toxicologyRehab Rashid Taha Al-AzzawiDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 2001Medical615.925012
46College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBasics of pharmaceutical marketingBashir Al-AlaqAl-Yazouri 2006Medical658.825514
47College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurClinical pharmacologyMaysoon Al FakhouryCurriculum House 2003Medical615.129715
48College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTechnique and preparation of microscopic slidesMagda Abdel Reda NouriBaghdad University Press 1980Medical616.0717516
49College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurA cure for every diseaseAmin Al-Khudari ZakiMadbouly Library 1996Medical615.3284817
50College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMedicine and pharmacy among the ArabsYassin KhalilBaghdad University Press, 1979Medical610.95179119
51College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFamous contemporary medical menCaroline ChandlerArab Awareness Library, 1967Medical610.695214913
52College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurModern medical guideSamir IsmailAl-Nahda Library, Baghdad, 1951Medical615.543214
53College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPractical application in physical educationQasim Hassan HusseinDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1982Medical61312816
54College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTreat yourself to your food and drinkRafi IsmailDar Al-Israa for Publishing and Distribution 2002Medical6139611
55College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurImproving the quality of health and psychological servicesGlobal Health OrganizationWorld Health Organization 2006Medical978-92-9021-524-0613.48711
56College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurRecipe: Make food your medicineWalid Amin QamhiyehAl-Yazouri 2009Medical613.2418511
57College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealthy diet and complete dietHanadi SawasDar Al-Radwan 2004Medical613.269411
58College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurChild care and immunizationSaeed DajaniDar Al-Andalus 1986Medical613.7014411
59College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMy child is in his first three yearsSami Al-JundiAl-Ahlia Publishing and DistributionMedical613.704231411
60College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurThe child and his comprehensive nursingSouad Hussein HassanDar Al Qalam 1978Medical610.7344511
61College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHuman nutritionFarouk Fadel Al-NouriDirectorate of Books for Printing and Publishing 1981Medical612.3145212
62College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurOccupational health, industrial security and first aidEzzedine FarragArab Thought House 1982Medical616.02423016
63College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPopular recipesAyman Al-HusseiniDar Al-Tala’i 1992Medical615.88128116
64College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBasic principles of occupational safetyRahim Turki AliDar Al-Hekma for Printing and Publishing 1991Medical613.6247212
65College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurNutrition and spiritsAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 2009Medical613.225513
66College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurScientific applications of toxicologyMustafa Al-DakkakConstruction Press 1965Medical615.946424
67College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMental health plans and policiesGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2006Medical978-92-9021-525-7613.048811
68College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurEvangelizing mental healthGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2006Medical978-92-9021-522-66136911
69College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurImproving the availability and use of psychotropic medicationsGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2006Medical978-92-9021-526-4615.157211
70College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMental health policies, plans and programsGlobal Health OrganizationWorld Health Organization 2006Medical978-92-9021-515-861312511
71College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurIndustrial pharmacyQasim Ali is an earthquakeWorkers Culture Foundation Press 1980Medical615.3126311
72College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSecrets from nature for health and treatmentSalah Mohammed Al-SafiDar Al-Radwan 2007Medical615.5356411
73College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTreatment for those who need itNizar Suleiman Al-ShakarjiAl Ola Printing and Publishing 2009Medical615.838611
74College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDictionary of treatment with herbs and medicinal plantsShams al-Din Abi AbdullahAl-Raya Press 1991Medical615.50315611
75College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTreatment with onions, garlic and black seedAida Al-SalalDar Al-Isra 1995Medical615.8828711
76College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGrape therapyMusa IbrahimDar Al-Wadah 2006Medical615.8548011
77College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTreatment for spiritual inspirationAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1974Medical615.8523711
78College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealing through the Qur’anAbdel Moneim QandilArab Nahda Library 1989Medical214.6115911
79College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAl-Nahl Qur’anic PharmacyMuhammad Mahmoud AbdullahDar Al-Radwan 2002Medical641.3111211
80College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMedicine from the dawn of history till todayRiyad Ramadan Al-AlamiKuwait Press 1988Medical615.10931811
81College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurNutrition and healthAbdul Majeed Al-ShaerAl-Yazouri 2004Medical612.325613
82College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHerbal treatmentNajwa Hussein Abdel AzizAl-Safa Library 2004Medical615.888011
83College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTreating diseases with herbs and folk medicineShaaban Ahmed SalehAl-Safa Library 2004Medical615.888011
84College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurCupping in prophetic medicineAbdul Karim Muhammad NasrDar Al-Radwan 2005Medical615.85212011
85College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPractical and theoretical clinical chemistryMuhammad Fathi Al-HawariNational Library 1980Medical616.0756221113
86College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBodies without disease and lives without diseaseAhmed Tawfiq HegazyAl-Ahlya 2002Medical61430511
87College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurObstetricsVera BudyaginaDar Mir Printing and Publishing 1984Medical618.433214
88College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFoundations of healthy cultureAbdul Razzaq Mortada SalehDar es Salaam Press 1982Medical614.0746519
89College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTheoretical internal surgical nursingNahida Mohammed Al-JanabiAuthority of Technical Institutes Press 1999Medical610.736652415
90College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBrief history of pharmacyTahseen Ahmed JihadAl-Yazouri Press 2006Medical61524612
91College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPsychiatric nursingWafaa FaddaAl-Yazouri Press 2002Medical616.8907319315
92College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealth and Nursing Services AdministrationYoussef QazazaAl-Yazouri Press 2002Medical362.106814512
93College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurNeurological diseasesSamir BaqyounAl-Yazouri Press 2007Medical616.824011
94College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurChild health nursingWafaa FaddaAl-Yazouri Press 2005Medical610.736226812
95College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurEncyclopedia of maternal and child careAyman MazahraAl-Yazouri Press 2002Medical649.133211
96College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurIntroduction to chemistry and mathematicsSafaa Razouki horrorDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1982Medical612.74419215
97College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurWomen of fertile age and menopauseAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1974Medical612.623713
98College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurClinical nursing care in obstetrics and gynecologyWafaa FaddaAl-Yazouri 2002Medical618.213711
99College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurCommunity health nursingWafaa FaddaAl-Yazouri 2002Medical610.734311612
100College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-Durskin diseasesSamir BaqyounAl-Yazouri 2007Medical616.524011
101College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPhysiology of the human bodyIssam Al-SafadiAl-Yazouri 2006Medical61221311
102College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealth ManagementSaad Ali Al-AnaziAl-Yazouri 2009Medical350.84136011
103College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurUseful book on how to learn the medical industryAli bin Radwan Al-MasryBaghdad University Press, 1986Medical610.717212
104College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDiseases of the urinary system: bladder, kidneys, prostateAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1972Medical616.636513
105College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHistologyMuhammad Hassan Al-HamoudEligibility 2003Medical611.01844611
106College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPhysiologyKhaled Al-KubaisiWael Publishing House 2002Medical612.134612
107College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurRheumatismAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1992Medical616.74222012
108College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurEndocrine glands and hormonesYahya KazemUniversity of Kufa 2013Medical616.455711
109College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPhysiologyRamzi Al-NajiAl-Yazouri 2005Medical61121712
110College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHuman anatomyRamzi Al-NajiAl-Yazouri 2005Medical611.01819211
111College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurClinical nursing care, internal and surgical diseasesYoussef QazazaAl-Yazouri 2002Medical610.7367718311
112College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurElectrocardiogramsMichael L. ArmstrongDelphine Publishing House 1979Medical612.1719612
113College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSummary of Practical Anatomy by Kankham, Part 1But we jokedDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1980Medical611688111
114College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurCivil defense first aidCivil Defense DirectorateDar Al-Kutub for Printing and PublishingMedical614.88327110
115College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurArab Medical EncyclopediaAbdul Hussein BayramDar Al-Tarbiya Library 1986Medical610.334414
116College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurModern Medical Encyclopedia, Part 1_Part 14A group of scientistsArab Record Press 1978Medical610.32046114
117College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMicrobes infectious to humansAsim Atta Al-ShehabiJordanian Book Center 1998Medical616.0154715
118College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAnatomyOwner Abbas HamadInstitute Press 1999Medical61160415
119College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurUnified Medical DictionaryMahmoud Al-JaliliIraqi Scientific Academy Press 1973Medical610.03385119
120College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSummary of Practical Anatomy by Kanckham, Part 2RomancesDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1981Medical610.01349512
121College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHistory of medicine, literature and scienceAhmed Shawkat Al-ShattiTarbin Press 1967Medical610.972813
122College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurClinical anatomy for medical studentsRichard SnellArab Center for Health Documentation and Publications 1998Medical611.013108322
123College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBacteriology and parasitologyAdel Mohammed HammamKnowledge Library 1977Medical616.0758162312
124College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHandbook of cardiology intensive careJ.S.AlbertAl-Kutub Foundation for Printing and Publishing 1979Medical616.126219
125College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSmoking heart sexFadel AbbasDar Al Awda, Beirut, 1976Medical616.86523011
126College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealing guideTuberculosis Control AssociationCulture and Information Committee 1982Medical616.9951311
127College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBasics of immunologyR..Buri took overDelphine Publishing House 1980Medical0 19 2612778616.07911
128College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurScientific methods for treating patients for nursesNaglaa Nouri Al-FalakiAl-Ani Press 1976Medical610.7312612
129College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBe your own heart doctorEmile Khalil BeidasDar Al-Ifaq 1981Medical616.1113412
130College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBe your own naturopathEmile Khalil BeidasDar Al-Ifaq 1981Medical610.736912611
131College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBe your own doctor for constipation and bowel diseasesEmile Khalil BeidasDar Al-Afaq 1984Medical610.736910421
132College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurControl of communicable diseasesAmerican Public Health AssociationAl-Daoudi Press 2001Medical0-87553-242-x616832171
133College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurLaw in medicineIbn SinaAl-Jali and Shokah Publishing Company, 1987Medical61062813
134College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPolio eradication from the Eastern Mediterranean RegionGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2001Medical616.8424011
135College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGeneral information about biological and chemical threatsReith and RossRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2003Medical611.01894111
136College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurWHO Model Global Quota List of Essential MedicinesGlobal Health OrganizationEssential Medicines Website 2002Medical615.1913611
137College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDiseases of the mouth, jaws and teethAbdel Moneim MustafaArab Foundation for Studies and Publishing 1987Medical617.6314411
138College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurButkinham's practical anatomyJames Cooper BrabishNahda Egyptian Library 1965Medical611.74267913
139College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDiseases of the glands, urinary tract and cancerMohamed RefaatDar Al-Ma'rifa for Printing and Publishing 1974Medical616.619911
140College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHow to get rid of obesityAbdul Rahman Obaid MusaiqerDar Al-Qalam for Publishing and Distribution 2001Medical616.39810411
141College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDiabetes: causes, types, treatment, methods of prevention and protectionMazen MaghairiDar Al-Radwan 2000Medical616.46210411
142College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealthy Kids Clinic ManualSouad Al DarrajiFreedom Printing House 1977Medical613.04327611
143College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurCollection of medicines and preparations used in the institutionbodyAl-Zahraa Press 1960Medical615.0116912
144College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurEssential elements of obstetric careGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 1995Medical92-9021-192-5614.59927211
145College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurThe importance of enzymes (digestive yeasts) in diagnosing diseasesAllen SmithFalcons Printing Office 1990Medical612.015119013
146College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPharmacology and medicinal plantsGhassan HijjawiHouse of Culture Library 2004Medical61531211
147College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSummary of diseases of the urinary system and reproductive system in malesMuhammad Adeeb Al-AttarDamascus University 1978Medical616.647611
148College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPublic HealthKhader Daoud SuleimanMinistry of Higher Education 1988Medical61435012
149College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSkin diseases and allergiesMohamed RefaatDar Al-Ma'rifa for Printing and Publishing 1992Medical616.525551
150College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHow to live 100 yearsAn elite group of professors from the Faculty of MedicineDar Al-Ma'rifa for Printing and Publishing 1977Medical612.6814821
151College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurKidney diseasesKhaled AbdullahDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1982Medical616.6124811
152College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPregnancy regulationMuhammad Al-MuhayshiDar Al Jamahiriya for Publishing and Distribution 1990Medical618.27322
153College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPainless birthSpiro FakhouryTechnoger offset presses! Ford Press 1971Medical618.421911
154College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMenstruation and its problemsArika HanthArab Diffusion Foundation 1997Medical618.17212211
155College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGeneral basics of physiologyRushdi Fattouh Abdel FattahThat Al Salasil Printing and Publishing 1988Medical591.165422
156College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurIsometric muscle trainingQasim Hassan HusseinArab Thought House 1979Medical796.433215
157College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDescriptive histology photographerReith and RossDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1980Medical611.018934411
158College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealth education in the Republic of IraqMinistry of HealthTechnical Institutes Foundation Press 1983Medical613.563711
159College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurChild happiness, maternal healthSaeed Al RajaniDar Al-Andalus for Printing and Publishing 1980Medical613.042418411
160College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealth and illnessRene DeBosePublications of the Ministry of Culture, Damascus, 1970Medical614.532213
161College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTreat yourself with your own fingersKhalil Al-BadawiDar Al-Israa for Printing and Publishing 1998Medical615.827112
162College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDiabetes, its prevention and modern therapeutic methods, Part 1Abdul Amir AbdullahHouse of General Cultural Affairs 2009Medical616.46245611
163College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPrinciples of anatomy and physiologyShafiq Abdul MalikMedina Library 1978Medical61148676
164College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSerious cold diseases, their treatment and complicationsNoah D. NebrikantDar Al-Nahda Egypt for Printing and Publishing 1969Medical613.11117613
165College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurUnderstanding enzymesBasil Kamel DalaliPrinted by Mosul University Press 1983Medical574.192547011
166College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurhygieneAbdul Wahid, your agentEgyptian Nahda Library 1994Medical614.0751942
167College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurNursing experiencesHelen WrightDar Al-Nahda, Egypt, 1970Medical610.7306923611
168College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurIntroduction to general surgeryHashem Abdul RahmanPrinting by Model Printing Company 1997Medical610.7363722411
169College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAnatomy of the human bodyMusa Sadiq Al-NaqqashBaghdad University Press 1980Medical61132611
170College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMedicine is the shrine of faithKhalis ChalabiAl-Resala Foundation 1982Medical61027011
171College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurInternal diseases for nursing and dressing preparationsTawfiq Al AnsariNational Press 1997Medical610.7373718211
172College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurInternal diseases for second-year female students in nurses’ schoolsTawfiq Al AnsariPrinted by University Press 1980Medical610.7363714311
173College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPsychiatric nursing concept of nursing careAbdul Karim Qasim Abu Al-KhairDar Wael for Publishing and Distribution 2002Medical9957-11-294-5610.73069239811
174College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAnatomyQais Ibrahim Al-DouriDar Al-Ma'rifa Printing 1985Medical61144312
175College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurImmunologyTariq Saleh Al-ZubaidiPrinted at Al-Resala Press in 1982Medical614.4740011
176College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurNutritional value of foodsAbdul Rahman Obaid MusaiqerDar Al Qalam 2001Medical613.20219911
177College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBe your own insomnia doctorEmile Khalil BeidasNew Horizons House 1981Medical616.815211
178College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMedical Man's DictionaryMohamed RefaatAl-Hilal House and Library 1995Medical610.336011
179College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAnatomy for students of physical education collegesQais Ibrahim Al-DouriDar Al-Ma'rifa 1985Medical61144312
180College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurYour doctor is at your homeA group of leading scientists and doctorsAl-Hayat Library House 1966Medical61041511
181College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurYour doctor is with you at homeKhairy Al-Din Sharif Al-OmariAl Nahda Library 1989Medical61050411
182College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurProven medicine for internal diseases and their treatment with herbsMuhammad Abdel RahimAl-Rateb University House 2001Medical615.88219012
183College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurComplete dentureAbbas Fadel RahmaniDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1981Medical617.6929413
184College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFunctional anatomyIbrahim Al-BasriWavit Tahrir Press 1976Medical61116011
185College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAnatomySaladin Muhammad Abu Al-RubAl-Yazouri 2006Medical611.0123611
186College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGastrointestinal diseasesPierre HelomanDar Al Awda Press, Beirut 1977Medical616.39511
187College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPrevention of tuberculosisAdeeb Tawfiq Al-FakikiPrinted in Babylon Press 1976Medical616.2411215
188College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFundamentals of nursing in psychiatric and mental illnessesAbdul Karim Qasim Abu Al-KhairWael Press 2001Medical9957-11-215-5616.0823911
189College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-Dureyes illnessesAn elite group of professorsDar Al-Ma'rifa for Printing and Publishing 1974Medical617.7118213
190College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMental health legislation and human rightsGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2006Medical614.5826511
191College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPlanning and financing for the provision of mental health servicesGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2006Medical614.79211711
192College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMental health financingGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 2006Medical614.58247611
193College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBe your own arthritis doctorEmile Khalil BeidasNew Horizons House 1981Medical614.597212212
194College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurWhat is the short-term treatment strategy under direct supervision?Global Health OrganizationEastern Tigris Regional Office 2000Medical614.5422811
195College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBird fluMahmoud Abu ShehadhaDar Al-Hamid for Publishing and Distribution 2006Medical9957-32-274-5614.51817011
196College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurYou and your heartIbrahim FahimPrinted by Dar Al Hilal Press 1974Medical616.1222211
197College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPersonal protective equipment and devicesRahim Turki AliAl-Saadoun Printing Company 2001Medical614.83643811
198College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPrinciples of pharmacology and treatmentDr. W. PiperMcGraw-Hill Publishing 1978Medical615.134713
199College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDiabetesMuhammad Al-MuhayshiDar Al Jamahiriya for Publishing and Distribution 1991Medical614.5946211712
200College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHospital managementThamer Yasser Al-BakriAl-Yazouri 2005Medical350.84132012
201College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFire prevention principlesMuhammad Al-ZawahiriAnglo-Egyptian Library 1970Medical614.8444111
202College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFirst aid in the factoryLord TaylorFreedom Printing House 1984Medical614.8529912
203College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurVaccinations against infectious diseasesAbdul Samad Abdul AmirFreedom Printing House 1990Medical614.516412
204College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurStop worrying and start livingDale CarnegieMadbouly Library 2002Medical131.3357221
205College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurOccupational health and industrial securityEzzedine FarragArab Thought House 1997Medical613.6218512
206College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurEpidemiology Epidemiology Epidemiology of diseasesGeorge Abdul ChristSolidarity Press, Baghdad 1982Medical614.51737814
207College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-Durfirst aidIssam Al-SafadiAl-Yazouri 2001Medical614.8823213
208College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHealth guidancemotherhood and Childhood careFreedom Printing House 1977Medical618.016712
209College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDental treatmentZaid Al-SharitiUnity Foundation Press 1981Medical617.614411
210College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurTeeth how to take care of themAmer Khaled HassanDar Al-Qadisiyah 1985Medical617.639611
211College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDental lesions and their areasWalter BrownAnglo-Egyptian LibraryMedical617.6112111
212College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHistory of pediatrics among ArabsMahmoud Haj QassemFreedom Printing House 1978Medical618.920056715111
213College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBreast cancer causes, treatment and preventionMuslim Jassim Al-HilliDar Al-Diyaa Printing 1982Medical616.9949611
214College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBird fluIsmail JaberEgyptian General Authority Press 2007Medical977-41-964-9616.20310511
215College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurCancer between yesterday's fear and today's hopeTariq Saleh Al-ZubaidiDar es Salaam Press 1986Medical616.99212611
216College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurCancer and its causesAqeel Abdel YassinHigher Education Press 1990Medical616.99420711
217College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurRelieve cancer painGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 1999Medical92-9021-264-0616.9926121
218College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAlleviating cancer pain in childrenGlobal Health OrganizationEastern Tigris Regional Office 2001Medical92-4-154512-7616.9927611
219College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSupervisory skills for treating children with diseasesGlobal Health OrganizationRegional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 1994Medical618.920512111
220College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurtoxicologySamir Ghazi Al-QammazDar Safaa for Publishing and Distribution 2003Medical615.926911
221College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPrinciples of industrial toxicology chemistryAziz Ahmed AminDar Al-Hekma for Printing and Publishing 1991Medical615.90222311
222College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBasics of pathologyImad Ibrahim Al-KhatibDar Al-Yazouri 1997Medical616.0728712
223College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMedicine from microbesBeryl WilliamsEgyptian Nahda Library 1994Medical616.0114414
224College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGeneral nutrition scienceHamid Al-TakrouriArab House for Publishing and Distribution 1989Medical977-1475-34-7616.3944312
225College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurThe index revolutionizes the diagnosis of brain diseasesFadel ShamalMinistry of Health 1980Medical616.8715911
226College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurNutrition brochureAli Hussein Al-HaidariMilitary Press 1982Medical616.396214
227College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHepatitisAli Rajab OmarAl-Abayji Design and Printing 2005Medical616.36232712
228College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAIDS and immunitySaeed Al SayeghPublications Distribution and Publishing Company 1988Medical616.979248711
229College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDigestive system diseases and their treatmentAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1961Medical616.336014
230College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPharmacology and toxicology for nursing studentsSouad Fares Al-TaieTechnical Institutes Foundation Press 1983Medical615.119914
231College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBacterial toxinsMuhammad Faraj Al-MurjaniMemory Publishing and Distribution 2012Medical615.95414814
232College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurAbbreviation of electrocardiogramAbdel-Ilah Ahmed Al-JawadiHigher Education Press 1989Medical612.1712711
233College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHuman nutrition in health and diseaseEzzedine FarragEgyptian Nahda Library 1984Medical613.226411
234College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurManaging pregnant women, children and boys and preserving their healthAhmed bin Muhammad bin YahyaFreedom Printing House 1980Medical61333511
235College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHeart disease storySabah Ismail Al-SamarraiThunayan Press, Baghdad 1986Medical614.591221511
236College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurVascular diseases, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoidsAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1974Medical616.1325616
237College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPopular diseases: Headache, pulmonary tuberculosis, syphilisAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1974Medical616.8722413
238College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFoundations of clinical parasitologyHaroldbrownDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1980Medical616.9657613
239College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDental anatomyAli Abdel Reda Al-KhayyatDar Al-Takni for Printing and Publishing 1983Medical611.31430612
240College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurInternal and chest diseasesAn elite group of professors from the Faculty of MedicineDar Al-Ma'rifa for Printing and Publishing 1977Medical616.218321
241College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurComplete kitNajat Tawfiq ArkanTechnical Institutes Foundation Press 1982Medical617.6936612
242College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHead and peripheral nerve injuries bookletTariq Abdel Qader Al-KroukjiDirectorate of Military Printing Presses 1981Medical617.3717114
243College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSummary of general surgeryHearing travelBaghdad University Press 1978Medical61760011
244College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBones in anthropological, medical and forensic studiesMahmoud Youssef Al-NajjarThat Al Salasil Printing and Publishing 1989Medical616.7131312
245College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurInitial principles of surgery for students of higher health institutesBenham Razouki Al-SaneaCentral Workers Press 1985Medical61730611
246College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurRadiation and human health, a brief talkJohn D. GoffmanHouse of General Cultural Affairs 1986Medical614.71530112
247College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurParasitologyIsmail Abdul Wahab Al-HadithiDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1986Medical616.9648511
248College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurContemporary psychiatryAhmed OkashaAnglo-Egyptian Library 1976Medical616.0843914
249College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurEye diseases and their preventionHassan Ali HassanInternational House for Printing and Publishing 1986Medical617.735211
250College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFundamentals of psychiatryFakhri Al DabbaghDar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing 1977Medical616.891444829
251College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHistory of Iraqi medicineAbdul Hamid Al-AlawjiAsaad Press 1967Medical610.956762811
252College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurA brief history of Arab medicineKamal Al-SamarraiFreedom Printing House 1985Medical610.970612
253College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurA journalistic trip with medicine and science in ChinaSalah JalalDar Al-Ma'rifa, Egypt, 1982Medical610.015116515
254College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGlimpses of the Arab medical heritageMrs. Muhammad ArabKnowledge Library 1975Medical610.011749115
255College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurYour heart and how to protect itElton BlaxleyOffice World 1969Medical611.1229816
256College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDiabetes: causes, symptoms, and methods of controlling itAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1973Medical614.5946230213
257College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDental laboratory principles and equipmentFayez Fouad DaoudUniversity Press Directorate 1984Medical617.67267312
258College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurInternal surgical nursing for nurses schoolsJuliette Khader ChaouNational Press 1982Medical610.7373718811
259College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBurn injuries and freezingMazhar Ali AminDirectorate of Military Printing Presses 1982Medical617.1122915
260College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurOrthopedics and traumatologyAbdul Hakim Muhammad ToumiaDar Al Jamahiriya for Publishing and Distribution 1990Medical617.47119812
261College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurParasitology: Nematodes and Echinacea wormsAbdul Latif MoulinDar Al-Hekma for Printing and Publishing 1990Medical616.9627612
262College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurPsychiatrySamir BaqyounDar Al-Yazouri 2007Medical616.0822412
263College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurCaring for mother and child at different stages of lifeLaila Muhammad IbrahimOffice of Regulatory Services 1986Medical649.151412
264College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurRabiesB.J. GansnerGovernment Press 1971Medical616.95318912
265College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurMedical parasitologyC WolterbeckUniversity Press Directorate 1985Medical616.9651611
266College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurBacteriology explainedR.R. GlazeMosul University Press 1985Medical589.900733011
267College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurHow to get rid of glasses and get better visionAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam 1972Medical617.7126825
268College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSensitive skin diseasesAn elite group of professorsDar Al-Ma'rifa Printing 1977Medical617.47725522
269College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurDental materials for tooth retentionPeace be upon you, Daoud Al-QaisiTechnical Institutes Foundation Press, 1977Medical617.69539212
270College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurIs Chinese acupuncture real or true?Fathi Sayed NasrMadbouly Library 1991Medical615.85615912
271College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSummary of General Surgery for Nurse SchoolsAbdul Karim Ahmed Al KamelPrinting by Model Printing Company 1997Medical61717211
272College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurFood is medicineRaed TulaimatDar Al-Fikr Printing 2007Medical61020531
273College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurYour doctor is with youSabri Al-QabbaniDar Al-Ilm Lil Al-Millain 1979Medical610526144
274College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurYouth in old ageAmin RuwaihaDar Al Qalam Printing 1972Medical618.9736621
275College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGeneral practical histologyCanaan Al-JabiDamascus University Press 1974Medical611.01819811
276College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurGeneral histologyCanaan Al-JabiDamascus University Press 1974Medical611.018143831
277College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSpecial histologyCanaan Al-JabiDamascus University Press 1977Medical611.018135431
278College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurSurgeries and plastic surgeryAn elite group of professorsDar Al-Ma'rifa Printing 1974Medical61717213
279College of Medical and Health Technologies, Al-DurWomen diseaseAn elite group of professorsNew Orient Library 1974Medical618.116012

English Books

N.oFormationBook TitleAuthor NamePublisherMedical ISBNDewew decimal ClassficationPage.NumEdition NumberCopy.Num
1College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourTheoretical NursingAfaf Lbrahim Meleis2007Medical0-7817-3673-0610,7301/M48T80741
2College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourJuide to Curviving Nursing SchoolGoan M. Rejan1996Medical0-87434-816-1610,730711/R61G13822
3College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourNursing and Health CareBarbara F. Weller1989Medical0-7020-1196-7610,7321/W44N104211
4College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Margaret P. Benner1993Medical0-87434-487-5610,7368/B43M16824
5College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical Termonolgy in Hospital PracticePaul M.Davies1978Medical0-433-07183-4610.014/D286M37533
6College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourLearning Medical Termonolgy Step by StepClara Young1979Medical0-8016-5654-0610.014/Y84L35141
7College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical DictionaryW.Saunders Company1989Medical0-7216-3127-4610.03/M1M669243
8College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourDavidson's Principles & Practice of MedicineJohn Maclead1974Medical0-443-01184-2610.23/M65D1037115
9College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourModern MedicineAlan E.Read1975Medical0-272-00438-3610.23/R282M54312
10College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourStandard Handbook of biomedical Engineerning and DesignMyer Kutz2003Medical0-07-135637-1610.28 \ S 1 S1.3511
11College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical Electronics & Communication AbstractG.W.Mc Master1979Medical610.28/M414M22512
12College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourConcise Medical DictionaryOxford Medical Pub1985Medical0-19-261513-0610.3/D716C67623
13College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourDorlands Illustrated Medical DictionaryDorlands1981Medical610.3/D733D15
14College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPocket Medical DictionaryNancy Rober1978guide0-443-01723-9610.3/R784P392305
15College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical DictionaryDorlands Pocket W.B.Saunders1982Medical0-7216-3151-7610.3/S85M1485244
16College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPrinciples of Medical StatisticsAusten Brad Ford Hill1966Medical610.310/B72P38181
17College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPsychiatric NursingAnnie Altschull1979Medical0-7020-0688-2610.362/C599P48455
18College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical Laboratory TechnologyRamnik Sood1985Medical610.6953/S62M38415
19College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourThe Doctor-Patient Relation ShipBrowne&Freeling1976Medical0-44301299-7610.696/B882D10123
20College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourClinical Pathways in NursingGail P.Poirrier1999Medical0-87434-930-3610.73 \ P755 C30011
21College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMc-Graw Hill Handbook of Clinical NursingMaragret E.Armstrong1979Medical0-07-045020-x610.73/A735M147411
22College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPerforming Advanccd ProcduresAdranced Skills1993Medical0-87434-554-5610.73/A95P25012
23College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPrinciples of Medicine & Medical NursingJ.C.Housyon1978Medical340200707610.73/H843P19643
24College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHandbook of NursesN.C.West1975Medical340188871610.73/W516H10221
25College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourCommunity Nursing in Developing CountriseMonica Byrne1973Medical0-19-264219-7610.730692/B996C20814
26College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHandbook of Practical NursingMaragret E.Crispin1976Medical0-7020-0557-6610.730693/C932H24364
27College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMastering Advanced AssessmentAdvancced Skills1993Medical0-87434-551-0610.730'699/A81M25411
28College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourEssential of Community Health NursingMohammad Tarawneh2007Medical9957120166610.73042 \ T17 E14312
29College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPrinciples of Community Health Nursing Practice&TheoryJakleen Helal Rabadi2008Medical9789957120764610.73092 \R112 P21915
30College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMaternity NursingSharon R.Reeders1976Medical0-397-54181-3610.73678/M1M706131
31College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourNeurologic DisordersStanley Loeb1994Medical0-87434-686-x610.7368/S25N34312
32College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourEssentials of Psycbiatric MursingCecelia Monat Taylor1990Medical0-8016-7814-5610.736'8/T212E551402
33College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPretest High- Yield Basic ScienceMcGraw-Hill Companies2002Medical0-07-138630-0610.76 \ P1P17211
34College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourDavidson's Principles & Practice of MedicineChristopher R.Edwards1991Medical0-443-04482-1610.D1D1032161
35College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedicine Essentials for Practitioners & StudentsG.Beaumont1967Medical610/B35M85492
36College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourEnglish in Basic Medical ScienceJohn Maclean1995Medical019437503x610/M168E11011
37College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPrice's Textbook of Practice of MedicineRoland Scott1999Medical610/P1P125911
38College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAtextbook of Medical TreatmentDunlop Davidson1949Medical443010633610/T1T785133
39College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourClinical AnatomyRichard S.Snell2003Medical078174315x611 / S 21 C101271
40College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAvisual Atlas for Anatomy and PhysiologyRod R. Seeley2003Medical72863781611 \ S34 A14911
41College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourShearers Manual of human DissectionJohn C. Weber1999Medical71346244611 \ S 1 S29581
42College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAnatomy for Dental StudentsD.Johnson1983Medical192613480611.00246176/J64A26615
43College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical BiologyEditorial Board1979Medical3022137611.01/B659M26615
44College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHuman HistologyI.C.Jumueira1974Medical721613926611.018/A34H33845
45College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourBialey's Textbook of HistologyWilfred Copenhaver1978Medical683020781611.018/C782B800175
46College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAtlas of Human HistologyDi Foire1975Medical812104218611.018/F511A25245
47College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourExercises in Cell BiologyJohn A.Parson1975Medical70485186611.018/P276E12314
48College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourColor Atlas of HistologyLaslie Gartner2006Medical781798280611.0180222 / G16C43941
49College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourGrants Atlas of AnatomyAnne M.R. Aur1999Medical781742552611.0222 / A94G848112
50College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourGrant's Atlas of AnatomyBiolean Gran1972Medical611.0222/G76G100064
51College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourCunning Ham's Manual of Practical AnatomyG.Romanes1975Medical192631241611.1/R758C255137
52College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourWheelers Atlas of Tooth FormWheelers1984Medical721612776611.314 \ W561 A15611
53College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHuman AnatomyKenneth S. Saladin2005Medical0-07-03980-0611.717 \ S31 H76211
54College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAtlas of skeletal MusclesRobert J. Stone2003Medical0-07-235080611.730222 \ S 61 A21711
55College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAtlas of Cross Section Anatomy of the BrainA.T.Rasmussen1951Medical611.81/R225A63141
56College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHand And Uper Extremity Anatomy to Color And StudyRay Poritsky2000Medical1-56053-372-2611.970222 \ P82 H7511
57College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourFootand lower Extrmity Anatomy to Color and StudyRay Poritsky2001Medical1-56053-481-8611.980222 \ P82 F8311
58College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourGray's AnatomyDavis1967Medical611/D255G1669341
59College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourTextbook of AnatomyHenry Hollin Shead1985Medical0-06-141263-5611/H726T104145
60College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourJamieson's Illustrations of Regional AnatomyRobert Walmsley1972Medical443008787611/J4J5499
61College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAids to AnatomyR.J.Last1962Medical702000841611/L339A408124
62College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHuman Anatomy of the ArtsitJohn Raynes1966Medical192631209611/R275H190131
63College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourGunningham's Manual of Practical AnatomyJ.Romanes1979Medical192631209611/R66C31017
64College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHoles Essentils of Human and PhysiologyDavid Shier2000Medical612 \ S61 H11
65College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHuman PhysiologyEric P. Widmaier2004Medical612 \W634H82511
66College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHuman Nutrition Catherine A. Geissler2005Medical612,3 / H1H74311
67College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical PhysiologyWilliam F.Ganong1975Medical0-87041-133-0612.001/H195B58778
68College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourExperimental PhysiologyM.Talaat1954Medical612.014/T137E26931
69College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourExperimental PhysiologyB.L.Andrew1969Medical443006180612.0142/A562E28081
70College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAdvances in Clinical ChemistryOscar Bodansky1975Medical0-12-010317-6612.015/B666C28611
71College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHandbook Experimental Physiology &BiochemistryP.V.Chadha1981Medical612.015/C432H19031
72College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourBiochemistry for Medical SciencesIsidor Danishefsky1980Medical0-316-17198-0612.015/D22B62911
73College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourBiochemistry for Medical StudentsWilliam V.Thrope1970Medical700014403612.015/T518B51295
74College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourTextbook of BiochemistryEdward S.West1955Medical612.015/W516T159547
75College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourBiochemistry of Exercies IV -BJacques Poortmans1981Medical0-8391-1619-5612.04/P824B29411
76College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourTextbook of Medical PhysiologyArthur Guyton1971Medical721643922612.1/G988M103242
77College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourRead Cell Metabolism: Amanual of BiochemistryErnest Beutler1975Medical0-8089-0861-8612.111/B569R16022
78College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourLeucocytes :Separation Collection & TransfusionJ.M.Goldman1975Medical122885503612.112/G619L60212
79College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourBlood Platelets in Man & AnimalsBernard Maupin1969Medical612.117/M452B48713
80College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourBlood Group TopicsBarbara E.Dodd1975Medical7113142421612.11822/D638B14113
81College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHemoglobin&Myoglobin in Their reaction With LigandsEraldo Antonini1971Medical720471214612.12/A635H43611
82College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAbnormal Heamoglobins & ThalassaemiaR.Schmidt1975Medical0-12-627150-x612.152/S349A37112
83College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAcolour-Atlasof Oro-Facial DiseasesL.W.Kay1971Medical723404054612.311/K18C28611
84College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourGastriontestinal PhysiologyThomas Sernka1983Medical0-683-07721-x612.32/S65G17421
85College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourNutrition& its DisordersDonald S.Mclaren1976Medical044301521x612.39/M113N29222
86College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourProteins of Iron Storage and Transport in Biochemistry & MedicineR.R.Crichton1975Medical720445310612.3924/C928P45411
87College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHormonses & Metabolic ControlDavid White1984Medical0-7131-4437-8612.405/W582H10611
88College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourVertebrate EmbryologyRobert Mc Ewen1957Medical612.64/Mc159V70141
89College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourThe Development of Infant & Young Child Normal & AbnormalR.S.Illing Worth1975Medical44301277632562
90College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourDisease in Infancy & ChildhoodRoss G.Mitchell1973Medical443009880612.654/M58D42672
91College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourElectronic Synthesis of SpeechR.Linggand1985Medical521244692612.78/L646E14912
92College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourThe Physiology & Pathophysiologyof the SkinA . Jarrett1974Medical0-12-380603-0-8612.791/J37P13XXV15
93College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourSamson Wright's Applied PhysiologyCyril A.Keeler1973Medical192633155612.8/K22S576124
94College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourCommentories in the NeurosciencesA.D.Smith1980Medical0-08-025501-9612.8/S643C66811
95College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourBiochemistry of BrainK.Kumar1980Medical0-08-021345-6612.822/K95B62511
96College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourTextbook of Medical PhysiologyArthur C.Guytor2000Medical0-7216-8677-X612/A77T50911
97College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPhysiology & BiochemistryGeorge H.Bell1976Medical443014361612/B433T73314
98College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourClinical PhysiologyE.J.Campbell1974Medical63209980612/C1C85041
99College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourBasic Clinical PhysiologyJ.H.Green1973Medical192633260612/G795B15525
100College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourModern Techniques in Physiological SciencesJ.F.Gross1973Medical0-12-304450-2612/G878M53312
101College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAnatomy & PhysiologyArthur G.Guyton1985Medical0-03-063157-2612/G93A86915
102College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourStructure &Function of the Human BodyRuth L.Memmler1987Medical0-397-54636-x612/M51M27241
103College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHuman Physiology the Basis of MedicineGillion Pocock1999Medical19262539ء612/P75H62712
104College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMultipl Chocie Questions in Human PhysiologyIan C.Roddie1977Medical853241252612/R613M34922
105College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHuman PhysiologyRobert Sheoard1971Medical0-397-52052-2612/S547H66712
106College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourStudent Teleguide Astructured Approach Healthy Living Poad to WellnessCindy L.Hanawalt-Squires1997Medical0-697-28997-4613 \ H 19 H24811
107College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHuman Nutrition & DieteticsStanley Davidson1975Medical443012466613.2/D252H75664
108College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMother & Child HealthC.D.Willams1972Medical194423360613.7/W721M16413
109College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMan & Biologicaliy Active SubstancesI.I Brekham1980Medical80231691613/B828M11
110College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPublic Health &Preventive Medicine and Philip E.Sartwell1956Medical0-8385-7917-5613/M45P1189101
111College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical RecordB.B.Bonner1979Medical614.073/B716M1911
112College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourMedical CareAmerican Health Public Association1979Medical257079614.073/G384M9315
113College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHandbook of Forensic Medicine & ToxicologyP.V.Chadha1984Medical614.1/CH347H33651
114College of Health and Medical Techniques-Aldourshort text book public health medicine for the Tropicsadetokunbo O . Lucas1973Medical340759887614.1/L. 96 S38941
115College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourCommunity Health and SocialBrian Davies1977Medical340214368614.4/D255C22233
116College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourEpidemiology Principles & Application to Infectous DiseasesGirgis A.Messih1976Medical614.4/M585E53311
117College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAdictionary of EpidemiologyJohn M.Last1983Medical019503256x614.40321/L339A11411
118College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourHealth Care: Antnternational StudyR.Kohn1976Medical019264226x614.42 /k79H55712
119College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourThe Control of Disease in the TropicsT.H. Davey1971Medical718603605614.4223/D132C43845
120College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPublic Health & Community MedicineLioyd E.Burton1975Medical683012355614.44/B974P57222
121College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAn Introductory Textbook of MedicineJ.J.Connon1977Medical853241104614.44/C639I37312
122College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourAshort Textbook of Preventive Medicine for the TropicsA.O.Lucas1973Medical340053488614.44/L933S32611
123College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourPublic Health & Preventive MedicineRobert B.Wallace1978Medical853690618614.4'4/R54P87011
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147College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourApphed PharmacologyAndrew Wilson1968Medical700013598615.53/W746A72113
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159College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourEssentials of Internal MedicineWilliam N. Kelley1994Medical397512724616 \ E1 E82611
160College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourManual of Family PracticeRobert B. Taylor1996Medical316833908616 \ T 212 M77511
161College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourEssential of Basic Science in SurgeryEdward B. Savage1993Medical39751168616 \E 1 E40411
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229College of Health and Medical Techniques-AldourRecent Advances in Clinical ImmunologyR.A.Thompson1969Medical582523133616.079/T468R12511
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