Department of Optics Technologies

The Department of Optometry Technologies, which was established in 2023. It is considered to have a unique scientific standing in the academic scientific community locally and in the Arab world,17 and18. In addition to, it plays an effective and influential role in the technical, health and medical fields, in terms of providing competent and qualified technical staff l19 in the precise specialties in the field of vision examination to meet the country’s need in accordance with the requirements of medical development. Economic and economic provision20 and providing 21 universities and 22 institutes with teaching staff, continuous development of curricula and study plans for all stages to keep pace with the latest developments in the field of vision examination. The student becomes a pioneer in his educational environment he/she is an optometry student 23 from 24 health institutions with compassionate treatment and 25 based on solid scientific foundations to provide safe health care for the patient. The mission of the Optometry Techniques Department in 26 the College of Health Medical Technology is to direct and adapt all its resources to achieve excellence in education, research and care. It 27 contributes to improve 28 human health and preventing diseases all over 29 Iraq to provide services and medical care in the field of optometry, in accordance with ethical and professional traditions and values.
The Department of Optometry Technologies should have a distinguished scientific standing in the scientific and academic community locally and internationally, and conduct effective and influential applied courses in the technical and health fields, to meet the needs of society and the requirements of the market.
Preparing graduates of the Department of Medical Optometry Technologies after receiving distinguished academic education according to the finest university curricula, in medical materials science, head and eye anatomy, general pharmacology, eye medications, general pathology and eye diseases, optical refraction, preparation of medical glasses and contact lenses, low vision, and others, theoretically and practically, as well as Practical1 skills inside and outside the university, hospitals and specialized centers. Adapting all resources to achieve excellence in education, research and patient care, contributing to patient care all over Iraq to provide medical services and care. Contributing to patient care all over Iraq to provide care and medical services.
- Preparing and advanced medical health1 technical cadre at a level similar to that in developed countries that capable of supplying health institutions and society, according to their needs, with specializations in vision examination, determining the degree of vision, and strabismus correction, to work in eye hospitals and health centers.
- Enhancing the role of technical education and its effectiveness in the knowledge of society by adopting scientific paths, systems and curricula capable of strengthening the structure of the technical workforce in Iraq at its various levels.
- Establishing cooperation and interaction links between our department and other corresponding departments locally, regionally, and internationally.
- working hard to develop students’ scientific skills and expand their cognitive awareness by providing ways to achieve the scientific and professional ambitions of the department’s students.
- Providing medical services to sick people through various consultation clinics run by specialist doctors with the assistance of technical staff from the department’s graduates.
The graduate is appointed centrally in the Ministry of Health and is given a job title (Medical Technician/Optometrist).